Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Round 1: Viejo (Season 1: Spring)

Viejo Household:

Betty Goldstein: Elder Female | Fortune/Romance | LTW: Become Business Tycoon | First Wishes: Meet Someone New, Invite Someone Over, Entertain, Marry a Rich Sim (Locked) | First Fulfilled: Entertain

Catherine Viejo: Elder Female | Romance/Fortune | LTW: Become Celebrity Chef | First Wishes: Be Friends with Sanjay (Ramaswami), Meet Someone New, Entertain, Invite Someone Over | First Fulfilled: Entertain

Andrew Martin: Adult Male | Fortune/Romance | LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind | First Wishes: Earn Some Money (Locked), Earn $100, Jacob is an Overachiever, Obtain a Pet | First Fulfilled: Earn Some Money

Jacob Martin: Teen Male | Popularity/Family | LTW: Become Captain Hero | First Wishes: Have 3 Best Friends, Obtain a Pet, Make a BFF, Buy Electronic Entertainment | First Fulfilled: Buy Electronic Entertainment


Ok, I am going to start by saying it took me FOREVER to get into this family.  My die hated me in giving me three Romance and Fortune sims (in different configurations, but still) and the romance came out like crazy because it was spring.  While I enjoy some romance sims because these guys don't have a ton of relationships built already it was very difficult, sometimes frustrating, and often annoying to me.  However, by the end, I was beginning to enjoy this family again, so the pictures might be a little scare, but hopefully, I will come up with something fun still. Ok, enough babbling by me, let's see how it actually went.

So the Viejo house is actually made up of a mixture of sims.  Betty and Catherine are friends and were friends with Andrew's mother as well. Andrew and his son Jacob are the only ones related in this household.  As you can see from the starting wishes we started off pretty easy. We start off letting the girlfriends, Betty and Catherine, entertain each other, which led to a bunch of wishes for doing things with each other.

The welcome wagon came by and included Herbert Goodie. Jacob went out and invited them all.  We started this house, for some reason, at about noon, so Jacob didn't go to school this day, but we did have Andrew walk to work to get at least a few hours in.  Once he got home Andrew REALLY wanted a date.  While he had some bolts of attraction to his housemates I really didn't want to get him involved with them so I sent him to a community lot.

He sat down and had a drink and looked around. We did not see anyone single around, everyone there was either married or pregnant, or a dude and that wasn't what Andrew was looking for.  He did try to talk to the bartender, and she was completely uninterested in his topics of conversation, so we sent him to a different community lot.

He met Florence Delarosa, and she is single, but he was only mildly attracted to her, and she left almost the second after he started a conversation with her.  Needs starting to fall we decided to see if anyone else came on the lot before we gave up.  He has a wish locked in, to WooHoo, because we try to meet these whenever possible.

Andrew then spies her...Lola Singles.  She is two-bolts attractive and instantly accepts his topics of conversation.  They hit it off wonderfully and she stays on the lot long enough for him to be able to ask her on a date. They danced and flirted...

They played some games, flirted some more, and started in on kissing...

They became best friends and finally fell in love after he brought her home for the night.  They ended up having two different dates, one that finished on the community lot, and then another where he brought her home with him.

I like this couple and am happy with this match for him, and for her.  They should be sweet. With Andrew very happy we focus on Jacob.  He wants best friends, and the only people he is close enough too to make best friends with are already best friends.  So we bring him to a community lot and.....NOTHING changes. So we send him home and hope.  He gets home, and NOTHING changes.  All the wishes just roll back to what they were.  So he gets on the phone but never makes another best friend.

In the meantime, one of the ladies, I believe it was Catherine, got asked to go downtown.  So she hops in the cab and heads to one of the downtown lots with the group.  She doesn't stay a very long time because she is tired, but she does at least meet a few people, but no one of interest for her.

While the group was still together, however, two of our playables became best friends.  This is Mr. McGreggor and also Mr. O'Mackey.  It will be fun to see what all the playables think about each other when we get through this round and start again.

Seeing that Jacob is not BFF's with his girlfriend, Sandra Roth, we decide to invite her over in hopes that a few interactions will get them to that level.  We are getting desperate with Jacob today, and while they have 100 relationship points in both regular and lifetime, nothing they do makes them BFFs.

Trying to get father and son to be friends we have them share a meal.  Any attempt at a conversation between them shows us they clearly have opposite interests as nothing seems to match with them.  Luckily they have a good convo over dinner, but they are still not friends.

Betty becomes annoying at this point.  We have Andrew with Lola, but Betty wants to WooHoo, she always wants to date, kiss, and flirt with someone.  The only person she has a high enough level with, that also is available at the time is Andrew.  We give them a quick date.

Sadly, they manage to start crushing on each other, and I happen to notice, romancer Catherine also has 2-bolts with Andrew and she is an actual romance sim.  I start worrying we are going to have a lot of drama soon.

After the date is over Betty sits and enjoys a lunch meat sandwich, which she had the wish to eat.  Due to the date with Andrew, she is feeling pretty good.

Jacob has kept the obtain a pet wish for days.  Day night, community lots, home, it doesn't seem to matter, he wants a pet.  So we relent and head to the pet store.....where the obtain a pet wish LEAVES HIS WISH PANEL!  *slams head on desk*  Instead he wants to play with a bird and with a womrat.  So we start with the womrat.

Thankfully as soon as he has played with the little guy the Obtain a Pet wish is back.  This "family" feels like a cat family, they need something that mostly takes care of itself as they are all pretty involved in their own romances. So Jacob picks out a cat that is named Ginger.

Jacob now wants to be friends with Ginger, so we take some time while at the pet store to play with Ginger, and give her love in order to be friends.  Before they leave they are friends, and Jacob is doing well, and Ginger is ready for her new home.

Back at home, Catherine has learned Lifelong Happiness and then wanted to eat Chili Con Carne.  I, without paying any attention, thought she must not have a high enough cooking skill since it wasn't an option.  She instead maxed out her cooking, and it wasn't showing up because it was dinner time.

Betty finishes studying Lifelong Happiness as well shortly after.  They both had held a wish to study it and we were able to get both of them through it on the same day.

Betty and Andrew, being fortune sims, both had a wish to have Ginger get a job in the Security field.  Betty gets her the job and then both of them and Catherine wish to have Ginger get promoted.  Jacob has seemingly forgotten they have a cat and has had zero wishes regarding her since she came home and he bought a litterbox and food bowl. So Betty takes time to teach Ginger to Stay, which is the skill she needed for a promotion.

Luckily for everyone, Betty is successful in getting Ginger trained, and Ginger, in fact, gets the promotion that night. Andrew wants a date so we invite Lola for a date downtown and have a wonderful time.  He invites her home knowing there is about an hour before Betty comes home from work for them to fool around.

Catherine now has a wish to woohoo and kiss someone, of course.  In fact, we might be on the day that EVERY SINGLE SIM in this house woke up with EXACTLY the same wishes: Date, Kiss, Flirt, Be Flirted with.  Literally, all 4 sims had those 4 wishes. It was about this time that I decided I was annoyed, and they were setting out to annoy me.  It was also right after this that I decided to lean into the crazy and just see where it went. So, back to Catherine, she headed out and discovered Vidcund Curious is quite attractive to her. They flirt and have a good time together.

Of course, Betty still wants to WooHoo and kiss almost every morning and so, even though I'm not thrilled with the idea, she will die off eventually right??  We give Andrew to her. They have become best friends and are now in love.

Jacob hasn't wished to do homework, but we went ahead and took pity on his dad who wants him to get a scholarship every day....I'm serious, every day is another wish for a scholarship.  So we force him to do it, and then he wants to gain a skill point all on his own.

He then wants to plant a seed.  Luckily this house comes with a bunch of garden patches so we send him out to plant a tomato.  Who knows if he'll ever wish for it again.

Jacob also NEVER lost a wish to get a handheld game.  I'm serious, it came up one day and it would disappear at him waking up because he wanted to kiss, date, flirt, etc....but as soon as he either fulfilled one of those or came home from school there is was again.  I finally sent him downtown and the wish stayed, so fine, he got a game.

Andrew has started using Betty to get his initial wishes in for the day as well.  Since flirting and be flirted with are frequently wished for they can give each other 2 quick fulfilled wishes right away.  In the afternoons, once he is home, if he wishes to date we are bringing Lola over for a quick, but typically good to great date before Betty gets home.

Thankfully Catherine had found Vidcund so we did not have to offer Andrew to her romance ways as well.  A house with these three and no ACR doesn't sound fun to me. It would be crazy. So anyway, Catherine has become best friends with him and she is fairly happy most of the time. I'm curious if Lola is possibly pregnant when we get to her because we do have Risky installed.

Betty is now wanting to have multiple loves so she is no longer satisfied with me just giving her Andrew, she wants more.  Luckily she has managed to build up enough of a relationship with John Mole to ask him on a date.  They hit it off quickly, and while I don't want John to ultimately end up with him we will see what happens. They have also become best friends.

Vidcund has fallen to Catherine's wiles, and unfortunately for him, she instantly is ready to move on to another lover.  Hopefully, he will keep her happy for a while while she builds up another lover that isn't Andrew.

Both Jacob and Betty, I think, wanted to meet someone new...or perhaps it was Catherine.  You know what I'm not 100% sure who it was, but they wanted to meet someone new, so Jacob ran out and greeted this random passerby.

Jacob then held a wish that I expected to see way more often seeing as how he's a popularity sim, he wanted to throw a party.  YAY, we like parties.  Parties give lots of fun wishes and are easy to reach and help with friends.  So he invites over everyone on the top of his friends' list and they have a good time. I instantly see what could become an issue further into the round, Catherine (romancer) has met Mr. Pleasant (another romancer).

While she is there Jacob takes advantage of his girlfriend being around and meets some wishes for dancing and playing with someone.

Catherine has a wish for public woohoo, so she drags Betty with her to a community lot, and while no public woohoo takes place (it rolled away the moment they stepped on the lot) they did meet a couple of new guys that they are getting to be friends with.

Back at home, acting on his own, Jacob sets the kitchen on fire.  During the fire, both Catherine and Betty were invited downtown.  Because they were both asked we ended up sending Betty and Catherine got stuck back at home and had to "end" her group outing. Everyone was fine with the fire, they have a smoke alarm, although I was tempted to take it out and have some possible drama...but I didn't yet.

So Betty went out on her outing and Justin Clevland was there, as was John Mole.  Betty built up her relationship with both men a fair amount, but she was exhausted, hungry and generally unhappy so we sent her home after the outing was 'Fun.'

As the season begins to change Betty wakes up and does not instantly want a date, to be flirted with, to flirt and kiss.  No, instead she wanted to fish and play the piano.  So, we built a pond and sent her fishing, very excited for something different to be happening.  Hazzah!


Betty Goldstein: She was the bane of my existence.  Couldn't build up friendships.  She always seemed to share the wrong interest with new people.  Eventually, by the end of the round, she started getting better but if it wasn't her romance taking over she wanted to buy very expensive things.  Wished for a car for forever, that they couldn't afford for forever.
Ending Wishes: Ask Sim on Date, Be Best Friends with Ramin (Zaidi), Be Best Friends with Jason (Clevland), Play Piano (Locked)

Catherine Viejo: Started off easy enough, but had a similar problem with not knowing enough people.  I was about to give her Andrew, also, when she met Vidund, who was a much better option.  Less drama this way.
Ending Wishes: WooHoo with 3 Different Sims, Have a Good Reputation, Ask Sim on Date, Be Friends with Sarah (McCarthy)

Andrew Martin:  I started off loving Andrew.  When he found Lola I was totally smitten with them and knew he was going to be happy.  Then everything happened with Betty and all our plans went downhill.  Now, I know that Lola has a wish locked in to get engaged to Andrew, which I will probably do when I get to her house, but we will see where it goes from there.  This is a huge house and I would rather she move her, but we'll see where it goes. He also wanted a car for a really long time before they could afford one.
Ending Wishes: Earn $2,500, Be Friends with Sandra (Roth), Reach Logic Level 3, Buy a Stereo Costing at Least $2,000

Jacob Martin: He was the apple of my eye after that first day, but when even he was waking up with the same romance wishes as everyone else I threw up my hands. I know that being part family sim they tend to be almost worse than romancers, but he wanted to be friends with so many people without the ability to get them to carry on a conversation (something almost everyone in this family struggled with early on.)  In the end, though, he had the most variety of wishes and was the most fun to play in this house.
Ending Wishes: Have a Good Reputation, Kiss, Eat Pancakes, Be Flirted With