Saturday, June 22, 2019

Round 1: Ramaswami (Season 1: Spring)

Ramaswami Household:

Priya Ramaswami: Adult Female | Popularity/Knowledge | LTW: Become Media Magnate | First Wishes: Make a Friend, Meet Someone New, Kiss Sanjay, Buy a Telescope Costing at Least $500 | First Fulfilled: Key Sanjay

Sanjay Ramaswami: Adult Male | Popularity/Family | LTW: Become Rock God | First Wishes: Gain a Mechanical Skill Point, Have a Baby (Locked), Gain a Cooking Skill Point, WooHoo in Bed | First Fulfilled: WooHoo in Bed


The Ramaswami's didn't start in any sort of house, but they came with seasons, so we give them a small starter house in Riverblossom Hills. Sanjay wants a baby and to woohoo, so he and Priya break-in their new double bed.

Sanjay then wants to gain a skill, so the mirror in their bedroom is used to get him a skill point in Charisma. 

Priya also wants to skill, so she starts studying cooking, which she needed for her job. As soon as she gets the skill she wants to throw a party, but she literally knows no one but Sanjay.

 Luckily for Priya, the welcome wagon comes by and she goes out to invite them all inside.  An interesting note is, even though they moved in "new" they start 2 days earlier than the rest of the houses, so they have 3 days in winter instead of 1.

A part of the welcome wagon we see a Cleveland, Contender, Ottoman, and Goodie are all here.  There is also a townie visiting as well.  Priya and Sanjay were greeting nearly everyone who even walked by the house.

Even though they know no one in the hood a townie named Uma Louie calls and invites them downtown, so the family goes.  Who should we see but Cassandra Goth.  Priya sits down and plays some poker with her and Uma.

Pryia is clearly not pregnant, so Risky hasn't blessed the couple yet.  Sanjay wakes up most mornings wanting to flirt, be flirted with, and kiss someone.  Those wishes are achieved quickly by his wife. So far woohoo has only been wished for once.

Now that Priya has met some people her wishes revolved around making friends with all of them.  Sanjay also wants to make friends with people as well but throws wishes to skill.  This is interesting as Priya is the knowledge secondary but hasn't wished to skill almost at all.

Every day, when she comes home from work, Priya wants to throw a party. She also, often, brings a new friend home from work.  The parties are not very big yet, as not everyone knows her well enough to show up, but her parties will get better with time.

Sanjay also brings home friends from work nearly any day.  This day he gossips with his work friend about Dora Ottoman is would appear.  He has not met Dora but has met both Samantha and Peter.

Priya's wishes were getting stale and all revolved around being BFF's with multiple people.  So we take her to a community lot where she meets this well-known sim, Mary Sue Pleasant. 

Sanjay and Priya continue to either meet people who are passing by or bring home friends from work.  They are both beginning to know a lot of people around the neighborhood or townies as well.

At another of the parties, either Sanjay or Priya throws daily, Sanjay talks with Justin Cleveland and Faith Goodie, meeting them and/or making friends with them.  Justin is talking about Sandra Roth.

We see Mary Sue and Cassandra enjoying a conversation as well. With as many parties as these two throw, the residents of Pleasantview might know each other and some members of the other hoods better than normal by the time we get there.

Sanjay heads out to greet a passerby and it's yet another well know Pleasantview resident, Dina Caliente. We will see more of her when we finally reach her hood later in the round.

Sanjay has started wishing to eat hot dogs on a roughly daily basis.  So to fulfill a wish he goes out to the grill and cooks up some hot dogs.  Sanjay is also not overly nice and fulfills a wish to prank this townie who came home with Priya one day.

There has been a second wish for woohoo that occurred during a date, but still Risky hasn't decided to bless this couple with a child.  Sanjay still wakes up with wishes to flirt and kiss, however, and Priya is happy to oblige. 

Priya wanted to meet someone new, yet again, and ran out to greet this passer-by.  She is a townie but talking with her fulfills some wishes for Priya.

Sanjay's wishes were now the ones revolving around BFF's so we take him to a community lot where he meets one of the most famous Pleasantview sims ever, Don Lothario. We also see a table full of playable ladies are were this day as well.

Sanjay gets to throw a party this time and invites over his friend Cleo Shikibu, who he wanted to be best friends with, and after a small conversation, it is met.  That drops a nice set of points into Sanjay's coffers.

Sanjay wanted to meet someone new, I believe, so he heads to a club and meets John Burb.  This is certainly an update involving many Pleasantview sims for not being in Pleasantview.

Both Priya and Sanjay want to meet new people again the next day so they head to the park. Both meet additional playables in Hannah Bell and Opal Contrary. Opal, you can see, is very pregnant, but she will be that way for a LONG time to come.

As the season comes to an end we see Priya throwing yet another party, but this one includes mostly playables from the hood and is much better attended than many of her earlier parties. This couple is certainly made up of pop sims, and we will see if that changes at all in the following rounds.


Priya Ramaswami: Priya was easy, if boring, to keep happy.  Woke up with wishes to meet people, be friends/best friends/BFF's, and throw parties nearly every day.  About half-way through spring Priya's secondary knowledge kicked in and she started wanting to skill once in a while, which was good for her job. So far still no baby and no seeming desires to have one since the first on Sanjay held early on.
Ending Wishes: Influence Someone to Appreciate Another Sim, Influence Someone to Play With Another Sim, Dance with Someone, Reach Cooking Level 5 (Locked)

Sanjay Ramaswami: Another pretty easy sim to keep happy.  Had a day of wishes that would not shake up, even after going to a community lot, and since BFF's are difficult to "force" to happen on a certain day he only reached 3, but otherwise was easy.  He woke up almost every morning wanting to flirt, be flirted with, and kiss, which started him off each day. He has gotten multiple promotions from social things, even though he has few skills so far.
Ending Wishes: Be Friends with Hannah (Bell) (Locked), Be BFF with Cleo (Shikibu), Be BFF with Justin (Cleveland), Invite Someone Over


  1. Dang by the end of the play they had met a lot of people! Party animals!

    1. They had met a LOT of people. Constant wishes to meet someone new, and throw parties, I pretty much just had them call everyone they knew and they brought people home all the time!

  2. Pleasantview premades can't wait for you to get to their hood so they involved themselves around town.

    1. Yes, apparently I was taking far too long so they gave up on me and just invited themselves into the story. It was fun how many showed up in this household. Thanks for reading.

  3. Certainly a good way to have the other playables meet and build up relationships before you will get round to playing them. I like the small starter houses. It's been so long since I have played this couple, it was nice seeing them again!

    1. Some of the small starter houses are great, others not as much. I hope having everyone met like this will make the relationships more interesting when we finally get to some of these houses. Glad to have you reading and commenting again. :)

  4. I love Priya and Sanjay, and remember now how they loved to party! They are the life and soul of the hood, and it seems like all your Sims know them now!

    1. Yes, I was sad when Priya wanted to hold a party, but literally had no one in her phone book. Now, half of Megalahood knows them. :) It should be fun to play through more of the hood now. Thanks for the comment and stopping by.
