Friday, May 10, 2019

Round 1: Academie Le Tour: 4 Danish Drive (Freshman/Sophomore Years)

Friends Household

Max Flexor: Popularity/Romance | LTW: Own 5 Top-Level Businesses | First Wishes: Gain a Skill Point, Have a Party, Entertain, Meet Someone New | Fulfilled First: Entertain | Major: Physics

Mitch Indie: Family/Knowledge | LTW: Marry Off 6 Children | First Wishes: Entertain, Play With, Tell an Inside Joke, Invite Someone Over | Fulfilled First: Invite Someone Over | Major: Drama


We are finally at the last house in Academie Le Tour.  We have two sims living here, Max and Mitch. They both start out at the very beginning of university so we will play through their entire Freshman and Sophomore years. When we first enter, both boys want to interact so they are great for each other.  Their "house" is a weird set up of two "houses" separate but on the same lot.  Neither has a lot of room and thus they have nothing but a bed, desk, bathroom items, and kitchen items with a small table and chairs.  I decided quickly this was a stupid set up and so I went in and remodeled so that one house was a bathroom and bedrooms, and the other was the kitchen, living room, bathroom.

Max, ever the popularity sim wanted to throw a party.  He didn't really know anyone, but we invited all we could, which was basically his entire phone book and a good portion of people showed up.

During the party, Allegra came in and did research with Mitch, which made him happy as he had wanted to do research with someone.  Mitch was completely uninterested in Allegra as a whole.

There was then a phone call from Roxie Sharpe asking if they wanted to go downtown.  Since we always accept these, and we've come to discover they always come when first playing a new household, we head off downtown to the poker club.

There Max wants to sing Karaoke, and he must not be too bad as Roxie and Jonah dance away the entire time he is singing.  I don't think I had ever seen a couple dance to someone doing Karaoke before, or if I did, never recognized that's what they were dancing to. 

Max throws parties almost every day, and sometimes someone even wishes to eat something specific, so we serve a plate of whatever that is.  This is one of the only times the guys actually eat. 

Mitch wanted to eat sandwiches and so he made himself one.  Usually, Max and Mitch wait until their hunger bar is all the way at the bottom to eat and thus it takes 3 or 4 sandwiches to fill them.  I actually had to direct them a couple of times to just keep eating.  They are also both slobs, and the houses got extremely grimy until Max wanted a skill point and needed cleaning.  He didn't even have to clean 1/2 the house to get the skill point.

Max had discovered a while ago that DJ Verse was 2-bolts hot and started wishing to do things with her quite often.  She was always invited over to the parties he threw and he usually wanted to pillow fight, entertain or just talk with her.

Max wanted a date, so he called up DJ Verse and they had a really good date.  I believe this ended with them being at least in a crush, although they might have gotten all the way up to love.

Yes, DJ and Max were starting to get very close and were happy to have shared their first kiss together.  I think they were only crushing before, but we are getting close to love now.

Then, at another party, Max wanted to be friends with Wendy the cheerleader.  He is always looking for friends, and he really wanted to dance with someone. I believe DJ had gone home already so he asked his friend Wendy to dance instead.  You can see a little of the set up behind them in the one house.  There is a second chair and a bookcase on that wall, and on the opposite wall, there is a TV and radio.

Mitch was having no luck in meeting wishes and the wishes he had were all things he couldn't accomplish so we took him to a community lot in the hopes he would switch up his wishes.  He did wish to do research and there was a group already doing that, so he joined in. 

Max and DJ Verse continue their relationship at yet another part of Max's.  We can see Roxie and Delilah in the background.  Most of the playables Max knew got invited to his parties, and usually, he had a pretty full house.

Mitch woke up almost every morning wanting to get a skill point. This was typically when he got the points he needed for that semester of school.  Luckily, he was always in a good enough mood to get an A+ by going to his finals.

Mitch was lonely and so he went to a community lot and checked the place out.  He found that Emily Lee was 2-bolts attractive, so he went over and started playing darts with her.  He suddenly started throwing all kinds of wishes for her.  Now, we know, from her update, that she is involved with Tom Freshe, but she is also part romance sim. It will be interesting to see what she wants when we eventually get back to her.

Max began to get into dancing and woke up most mornings wanting to smutle dance for a least a little.  This gave him very easy wishes to meet first thing in the morning.

We see that DJ and Max are now officially in love...and if you've played around with wishes you know what is probably coming up next.

Yes, right after they fell in love Max rolled up a wish to get engaged to DJ Verse.  So it was, although I have no idea what the date was because I wasn't paying any attention to the time, and in uni it's difficult to determine "dates."

Mitch, meanwhile, was desperate to have his first kiss.  I believe he also had a wish to kiss Emily Lee specifically.  Since this is wishes, we obliged and invited her over.  Mitch got his first kiss this way.

That first kiss, unfortunately, set off a series of events that took this formerly 4.0 student, who I really thought was going to keep the 4.0 the entire time, down to a B.  He didn't sleep, he had asked for a skill point earlier in the day, and then it rolled away and he didn't request on the next day.  He did want to write a term paper, and he hadn't gone to class the day before either, so off he went to a community lot where they had computers. He finished his paper before we realized he was still short a skill point.  He never did wish for that skill point.  I even sent him to bed for a few hours and nothing.  So he got a B the final sophomore semester.

Max had been dancing enough he gained enthusiasm to the point of getting invited to the hobby lot.  Max had also decided to gain some skills this final semester and got himself an A+.  I set up an easel and a chess table in the hope that during their "free" time they might skill on their own, and it worked.


Max FlexorWas the easier of the two to keep happy, but still not easy.  He wished for BFF's and BF's so often, which are really more a timed event then something he could really do anything about.  He did wish to throw parties almost every day, and since he always wanted to influence someone to entertain someone else we were usually able to get a couple.  He suddenly, towards the end of the round, decided he wanted to be more than a B student, but for the first 3 semesters, he would wish for just enough skills or school work to be at a B and then no more.
Ending Wishes: Have 5 Best Friends, Meet Someone New, Be BFF with Chaz (Whippler), Gain a Skill Point (Locked), Ask Sim on Date

Mitch IndieHe was a PAIN.  Both these guys suffered from the same affliction that has Delilah.  They will starve to death before cooking anything.  On a couple of RANDOM occasions, Mitch wished to serve food, but they were few and far between.  I had to control a lot more than I wanted to because they would get stuck doing something, complain about being dirty, hungry, or tired and then go right back to what they were doing.  Mitch even passed out in the foyer.  It was frustrating. Mitch struggled to keep his mood up enough to do any of the things he wanted to do.
Ending Wishes: Buy a Piano, Buy a Guitar, Be Best Friends with Jennifer (Langerak), Be Saved From Death, See a Ghost


  1. Uni is a great place for wishes!

    1. I find university to be way more fun playing in wishes play. It can be a lot of fun and totally crazy.

  2. OMG these guys sound like a gas to play. I need to try it. :-)

    1. Playing wishes with these 2 has been interesting to say the least. So many fun things come from playing wishes. I'm glad you tried it and shared! :) Thanks for reading.
