Thursday, May 9, 2019

Round 1: Academie Le Tour: 58 Focaccia Place (Freshman/Sophomore Years)

Sharpe Household

Edwin Sharpe: Knowledge/Fortune | LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind | First Wishes: Appreciate Delilah (O'Feefe), Talk to Delilah (O'Feefe), Buy a Bookcase, Hire a Maid | Fulfilled First: Talk to Delilah (O'Feefe) | Major: Mathematics

Jonah Powers: Romance/Grilled Cheese | LTW: Become Hall of Famer | First Wishes: Meet Someone New, Talk, Entertain, Get Fit, Invite Someone Over | Fulfilled First: Didn't record | Major: Philosophy

Roxie Sharpe: Romance/Pleasure | LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers | First Wishes: Buy a Double Bed, WooHoo, Buy a Bar, Flirt, Talk to Ashley (Pitts) | Fulfilled First: Buy a Double Bed | Major: Psychology


We are almost through the Academie Le Tour kids, and I'm pretty excited to almost be done with university students, although with wishes it's pretty fun. We are with the Sharpe household this time around, and there are three kids living in this little house on campus.  Siblings Roxie and Edwin Sharpe, and Roxie's lover Jonah Powers.  We discover quickly that Roxie is not interested in talking Grilled Cheese.  Jonah will have to find others, luckily we already know quite a few.

With Edwin's wants toward Delilah, she is invited over and the two are quickly crushing and/or in love with each other.  This happened very quickly and will hopefully go far in helping Delilah, who you may remember had trouble taking care of herself.

Roxie had a wish for WooHoo which I locked when we entered the lot so after she got a double bed, fulfilling that wish, she and Jonah put it to good use.

On the other side of the small house, Edwin and Delilah put his double bed to good use as well. I wouldn't mind it if these two stuck together.  They have 2-bolts of attraction but since Delilah didn't seem interested in meeting anyone new when we were last with her, this is a good step.

Then Roxie threw up a wish for a skill point, I think.  She might have wished specifically for Charisma, but I think it was any point and she needed charisma for school, so off she went to practice romance.

Then Roxie wanted to meet someone, I believe, and it looks like we took her off site to shake up some wishes as well.  There she meets this guy, who I have completely forgotten the name of.  They flirt and have a good time together.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Jonah is also meeting new people.  I believe this is Jan something who is accepting of him talking the Cheese, which makes him very excited.

I did not, apparently, write down who asked them on an outing downtown, but as the rules state, we have to go, so everyone hopped into the taxi and away we went. My guess, based on who is getting out of the car is it was either Mitch Indie or Max Flexor who invited them.

While they are out we discover, or possibly remember since I can't remember if we ever tried before, that Mitch Indie will talk Grilled Cheese.  Mitch and Max's house is up next, so if Max becomes GCS this will be good knowledge to have.

Jonah had the wish to go into the dance sphere.  Normally I don't have sims do this unless they have a really high body skill, but this is wishes, so he had at it.  I don't think he did super well and probably fell out of the sphere pretty quickly.

In other news, Edwin threw a wish to get engaged to Delilah, and while I haven't made these "required" to be fulfilled I decided it was a "fun" enough wish to get fulfilled.  So now these two are engaged!

Jonah, who goes almost everywhere in his underwear, while at a community lot meets this girl.  I'm almost positive her name is Wendy, but for some reason, I always want to call her Gretchen. Anyway, Jonah and Wendy are very attracted to each other, 3-bolts.  He has that with Roxie too, however, and while they will never be faithful to each other, I don't see Jonah leaving Roxie.

Suddenly Roxie is wanting to skill, but also wants to play games.  Since Jonah is in need of logic we have them play chess together. It might be a bit of a cheat since Jonah had no wishes to do this, but I decided it was realistic for Roxie to want to have him play with her.

Roxie then moves on to book studying, which I think was cleaning, but it could have been something else too.  Either way, Roxie has suddenly decided she wanted to be a student after all, and eventually get out of this place.

It was all studying though, Roxie is almost at her gaming hobby plaque and when she isn't playing chess, tends to play with the console they have.  Jonah is meeting some wishes eating homemade Grilled Cheese.

Edwin has become the normal, solid, and predictable Knowledge sim he is set to be.  Here we see him writing a term paper, which he wanted to do nearly every semester.  He would also come home from class and almost instantly want to do an assignment.  All thoughts of Delilah seemed to be lost.

Edwin also wished for skills, so here we see him getting a logic skill from the chess table.  Edwin became nearly boring, and had he been on his own probably would have been played through on a much higher speed.  He did, one time, cook on his own and made pancakes for breakfast.  Which was a nice change from the Grilled Cheese that normally was around.

Roxie suddenly remembered she is a romance sim and wanted to flirt, I believe, with her friend here.  Someday I will have to look up his name, he's well on his way to be her lover.

A flirt led to a kiss, and suddenly we have a crush between these two.  I believe shortly after this there was a make-out session, which suited Roxie fine, who wanted to make out with 3 different sims now.

Jonah came out of a haze of Grilled Cheese long enough to recognize there was more in the world and suddenly had the desire to study physiology.  He kept it for a couple of days, so off he went, getting it right before a final exam I believe.

Then Roxie starts acting more like a knowledge sim again.  I'm wondering if her brother, Edwin, was rubbing off on her a bit.  They had, over the course of being here, become best friends.  So, since Jonah still was in need of logic skills, off Roxie and Jonah went to play some more chess.  Filling more wishes for Roxie then Jonah, but that is ok.

Roxie and Jonah take advantage of the double bed for only the second time this whole play through.  Neither of them became overly interested in WooHoo, but they both wished to WooHoo in Bed, so they obliged each other.

Roxie started acting more like a Pleasure sim and wanted to meet new people all of the time.  So she started greeting people who walked by the house. These guys have lots of acquaintances, but almost no friends.  They never wish to talk to anyone outside of each other except the occasional wish.

Jonah had a sudden desire to start getting into Music and Dance and started throwing wishes to do the smuttle, dance with other sims, etc. Roxie is usually up for just about anything and happily obliges his dancing wishes.

Wishes had become fairly stagnant for a day or so and so we took everyone down to the lounge on campus to see if we could mix anything up. This is such an odd looking building.

While there we spy a lot of different sims from across all the different neighborhoods, mostly campus kids.  Apparently, this lounge is the place to come for all college kids. I love seeing so many of the maxis made sims mingling together like this.

Jonah again regains his brain from the cheese overlords and remembers he is a romance sim.  He wants to fall in love with Wendy (aka Gretchen in my brain) so she gets invited over and without much effort we have love.  Now Jonah wants to make out with 3 different sims, and Wendy is happy to help.

Roxie has fallen back into the realm of Knowledge sim and suddenly throws a want to write a term paper.  It is quickly locked in and fulfilled.  This allows her to not have to worry about anything school for the rest of the semester.

We end this update with Roxie talking with the Llama mascot.  Cannot remember if this is the boy or girl mascot but they have a nice chat before he leaves.


Edwin Sharpe: He was an interesting sim to keep happy.  Fell in with Delilah and getting engaged super fast, then wanted nothing to do with her the rest of the time we played. Went through a couple of days of wanting non-easy things, like being saved from death, but overall wanted skills, to do classwork and play games. Still has an A+ and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Did start throwing some fortune wishes towards the end.
Ending Wishes: Be Saved From Death, See a Ghost, Do Research with Someone, Write Term Paper, Buy a Painting Costing at Least $500 (Locked in)

Jonah Powers: Mostly a very easy sim to keep happy, but not easy to keep in school.  He was mostly a grilled cheese sim, getting multiple points every time he would cook Grilled Cheese.  Usually, he wanted to serve food, serve grilled cheese, eat grilled cheese, and make them for someone else.  So by making one batch, he could usually get 3 or 4 wishes out of the way easily. He occasionally wished for a skill point, but not often.  I "cheated" him getting his logic skills by having him sit down to play with Roxie when she wanted to play chess. Once he wished for a skill and I sent him to play on the drums he starting wishing to play the drums, so he's building up creative skills at least.
Ending Wishes: Talk to Sim About Grilled Cheese, Make Grilled Cheese for Sim, Buy a Guitar, Serve Grilled Cheese, Eat Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 

Roxie Sharpe: She was an interesting mix of things.  Started off wanting all romance stuff overall, which Jonah was happy to help fulfill.  Then she started wanting pleasure type things.  Throws up random buy me wishes occasionally, but they tend to be for gaming or pleasure items. She had a semester or two where she didn't wish for skills and thus didn't get any, but after that, she suddenly started acting like she cared about school.  She started wishing for skills, which I obliged.  Wanted to play chess as her "game" of choice most days, and started wanting things like to be on the dean's list or get into a greek house. She was probably the hardest to gain wishes for because she was all over the place and her skills goals started getting hard to reach.  She was a lot of fun though, just because she often didn't wish for what I expected.
Ending Wishes: Win a Gaming Competition, Reach Maximum Enthusiasm in Games, Reach Logic Level 9 (Locked in), Buy Handheld Game, Buy a Computer Costing at Least $2000


  1. Thanks for an interesting read!
    As for the two Sims whose names you do not remember, the young man is Jimmy Phoenix and the blonde woman is Sarah Love, both are playable students.

    1. That was who the guy was, yes. Thank you. I thought he was playable and just could not remember what his name was. Glad you stopped by to read. I'm working on the final 2 Academie Le Tour kids right now. I've missed playing/blogging, so it's nice to know people still read it. :)

  2. I am still here too, love reading the older blogs that have been around for a while. Nice to see you back again.

    1. Well thanks for stopping by and letting me know. :) It's good to be back. I seem to go in cycles for sure, but I don't plan on leaving these guys if I can keep from it. Just have to find different times to play.

  3. I always loved the Sharpe household and your version really sums up college life, parties, fun and friendships with a bit of work thrown in for good measure.
    I wonder if Edwin will remember he’s engaged at all next time?! Do Roxie & Jonah catch each other out with their infidelities or not?

    1. Those are really good questions. I'm wondering if Delilah will remember she's engaged next round. The way I'm playing that will be another year or 2 before we even get close to seeing that, but I am curious. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I play these kids too in my 5-wishes. It has given Roxie and Jonah twin girls, but Edwin is still single

    1. I do have Risky in this hood, so I will be interested to see what happens with Jonah and Roxie when they are graduated. They will stay together, I think, for the time being, although we will see what happens later in the play list.

  5. I have not played the Sharps at all. They seem like they will be lots of fun. Oh I love love Risky WooHoo as well....I can't think to play without it! I am glad to see this is 5 wishes. :) It makes you do things you might not otherwise think of doing.

    1. I agree Wen, playing this way has had me do things I would never think of. I have my main prosperities that I have some "rules" around when I do Try for Baby or not, but Risky is just so much fun. These guys have been fun. Thanks for reading!
